Mr. Politically Incorrect: "On your midterms tara ma7ad got an F..or a D...or a C..." (eshbuga?)
Bes fe 3aib wa7d, ina he's so politically incorrect and is racist to the point where it's no longer offensive but HILARIOUS! Ya36eekom il statements as if they're scientifically proven facts o ma buga a race or gender he didn't insult (6ab3an indirectly, ya3ni kelish mu qa9da ina ykoon funny).
Here are a few of his best ones (i'm going to type in bad english because he's not that good with the language latig3idoon etgooloon Um Manaf mat3aref taktib):
Brits: "you know the British how they are like, when it is the weekend they don't want to work they just go to the nearest pub and they drink all night.......maybe watch one game on the television until they become drunk.." (because el khaleejiyeen don't get drunk 7asha...min ygooooool...bes il British..)
Indians: "the Indians, they are the best people...because you know they are cheap! They don't go buy a bag for 1,000 KD because it is Fendi. No they don't understand things like this, they don't know Fendi or Gucci. They only buy what is cheap. Like that they always eat rice, they don't go to fancy restaurants" (weyana bint half Indian half Kuwaitiya o yoom gal chithee kel il banat eltaftaw yshoofoon shino markat jan6at'ha haha..)
Chinese: "You know the Chinese they are very simple people...they don't like fancy stuff, always eating their noodles, never changing because they like to be simple.." (magroodeen hal chinese ma7ad be6awef salfat il noodles)
Grown Kuwaiti Women: "There will be lots of problems with women in parliament because you know Kuwaiti women they are always jealous of each other, if one woman she walk in with a new briefcase then the other woman she will want it and will think why is her briefcase nicer than mine...and there will be problems" (ee lel2asaf il 7areem ma elmafrooth edishoon il majlis...they'd interrupt all the glass-throwing with their stupidity)
American Teenagers: They are always you know walking around putting gel in their hair... (ehnee thakarni ib iboy lol)
laa 7asha kuwaitiyeen i7i6oon gel? NEVER! khosh modaris shakla ;p a9lee!
LOL I LOVE HIM! hahahaha I would die laughing in his class! for some reason political incorrectness is so entertaining :p people are too sensitive! they should learn to laugh at their cheap-noodle-loving-jealous selves ;p
hahai zoqa :D
looool khooosh professor walla lol bas salfat elindians welmaskeena ely weyakom eksarat kha6ree hahahahahha 3asa shayla jan6a marka ? LOL
abe akheth 3inda class!!!! a7eb hal nimona;p
"American Teenagers: They are always you know walking around putting gel in their hair..." qetaaaaaaaaaaaaalny..!! I can't stop laughing..hehehehehe.. y3ny abad mafee shay ela elgel.. hehehehhehehe
hatha ay class ydares?!
yaa7lailaahh shakla ewannis!! i laughed soo much -aljazi
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