ana abi afham shay...entaw kelkom 3abalkom COOL lana 3indikom blackberrys?!
La o kel wa7d 7a6 ib nicka ib msn "BB PIN 445567322" ... ya3ni qa9eb shoofooni 3indi BLACKBERRY?!
La o kelshwaya a7ad 7a6 post "waaay chini bashtiri blackberry eshraykom" ...ya3ni fehmaw i'm going to get one?!
TO ALL YOU PEOPLE .. ma3indi ghair shay wa7da agoola lekom:
lol ma3indi salfa o fathya o 7ag eli y3arfooni latewaqa3oon mini ay msgs cuz i have no idea how to use it!
ee o baba promised to take me to 3man etha lekwait iw9alaw il finals...fa YALA FOOZAW BACHER!
ciao ;*
Friday, January 9, 2009
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loooooooool ana gelt im going to get one, sheft el wath3 m3aqqad:S, chan ashtry nokia ely chenna blackberry:S, o cheny shway met7asfa:$
hehehe, '6a7kteeny wallah.. ana bas at7al6am 3ala my friends and their BB, w7adee 5a6ree i get one, bas am too proud to admit it after making fun of them.. bas wallah 80%min ely 3endihom they don't know how to use it efficiently, bas hamhom elchat..!! :P
Well, I'm not a big fan of bb, i hate how it looks;p Side Kick w bas:*! but I really like the bbm
-Queen Bee.
lool i got it oo i didnt even put the messenger thing, i think its pointless, i only use the fone to msg and call nothing that special about the fone;p
LoooL!! U should totally get it! im using my BB minzemaaaaann a7iba bs chek boom 9ar habba ;p Waay Inshalla ifozon o tro7en oman to suppory our lovely muntakhab;p
hahahahahah !
You spoke my mind! seriously! thba7oona bil pins!! ihee msgaaat idizooonha, facebook and msn! weh! masaraaaat!
zuz: ee 7asafaaa wala ... tawni i got it o im loving it ;p o mu wayed em3aqad tara
Change: ee il chat ewanis :$
Queen B: I was gonna get a sidekick lain akher la7tha ghayart rayey o sharait BB
M, H, L: 7araam! a7la shay il messenger thing!
Even Sweeter: I had one minzimaaan o ma7asait ib qeemta...;p
Zaina: I NEED TO COMMUNICATE at all ours of the day! :P
ana ba3ad aba wa7ed ='( bs my dad thinks im too young for it!! bs 7ag business ppl .. inty b3daich 3la hal swalif ='( i could just cryyyy!!
blackberrys are controversial!
i really wanted one bs lma 9ar kilman shayel blackberry la3at chabdy mena oo al7en maby...just like the iphone habba =\
ana for some reason i hate the BlackBerry .. chithi i just hate it madre laish ;p ... mu dash mazaji ..
Currently an IPHONE user .. got one when it first came out .. got the new one now !! oo i think i heard someone say ina fee or bisawoon iphone nano ??? HOPE THEY DO !! .. I find the iphone very useful (IN THE UK) lana i surfe the web oo get important stuff when i dont have a laptop next to me oo MAPS get directions oo WEATHER is really useful ;p .. oo i have other cool extra stuff i added ;p
Limited: dont cry :( 7enay lai he gets a headache and buys it
Dandoon: ee habbbaaa bes inshallah matroo7 cuz mali khilg abadla :P
Diablo: jarabt il iphone ma3ajabni .. ana a9la7 touch screeen! ;p o il BB fe il chat thingie ;p AND internet
motay 7ara;p
Um Mit3ib: laish amoooot khala9 9ar 3indiiiii ;p bes abi cover al7ean 7aga :( min wain??
stop writing here
write ib ur other blog
LooooL 9ejjjj tha7akteeni.. cuz ana kel my friends 3ndehum oo kent msawya strike 3alaihummm oo khalaaaa9 i got sucked in oo sharaaita... bss its nice.. welcome the club
iPhone user is talkin :P
i like the shape but never used on before
congratulations ;)
eee ana a3arf nass yistakhdimon il msn o il BB messenger ib nafs ilwagt..inarfizoniiii wayid !!
Nouf: MABI ;p
Joory: thank uuu its good to be in the club ;p ...
mo3ath: the iphone club tried to suck me in ...bes ma khalait'hom ;p an9a7 u use it ... wayed 7elo o u wont wanna change phones after it!
anon: hahahah 7asbeen nafs'hom 7ail popular ;p
amazon w post plz
omg they got to me too! dying abe blackberry! Can't get one from here have to wait lai ma ard lekwait :(
3azam here
bb is gay sorry
i heard x1 xperia is better
im going to get it =D
oh and are you going to oman ?
3azam: blackberry is not gaaay....o shino x1 i've never heard of it :/ .... o laa2 im not going i have jam3a o exams :( bes my brother raa7 bedali lol
3azam :
thank god you didnt go they sucked
anyways you should look it up and i just got it today it is pretty much amazing +D
ps; good luck with ur exams
3azam: thank u dear ;** did u go to the game?
nope im stuck in the us of a
Omaaaaan faaaaaaaaaaaaazeeeet =D...!! I'm a new addict to ur stories, and just wanted to let u know inna marra 7abait the way u write..! goodluck with everything and pleease keep the stories coming.. at this point ur story is the only romance in my life... =P tc
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