Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Et3arfeen Um Manaf?"

Um Manaf etsani3 sha3arha as she gets ready to go out for lunch with a good friend of hers..
Taaj a7mar? la taaaj la aswad?
Ballerina slippers? La el black boots?

O after a few more life altering decisions Um Manaf is out the door and on her way to XxXxX Cafe/Coffee-shop/Restaurant (nagaw whichever suits you)

An hour into our lunch khala9na all topics ranging from final projects to global warming... wela faj2a ...


ehnee dear readers 6ab3an ana eshta6aait..
."ee a3aref her blog..." wana lebtisama shaga el wayh o emzahba roo7i 7ag el compliments o ga3d atkhayal wayeha lama agoolaha ina ana Um Manaf o atkhayal dmoo3ha min il far7a wel wanasa lanha it3arefni ..

"Ee..agoolich .. hathy Um Manaf......ib thimitich...el 9ara7a.....................MU MALEEQA? MATBI6 CHABDICH?! GE6EEE3A ETQITHNIIII WEDI A3AREF MINO IHYA HAL SAKHEEFA!"

khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair omyyyy?

"9ij?" (ehnee wedi anzel ankhash ta7t el 6awla)

"eee la o qe9at'ha ... tekfaaain aby amlaaq! aby a7thef'ha eb shay wala!"

(laa mu kafi anzil ta7t el 6awla.... el salfaa yabeelha shovel to bury myself ta7t el arth ba3ad)


O latgooloonli ma3alaich minha lani mu met'thayga o adry ina kel wa7d la raya o not everyone is going to like my blog .. bes el mawqef kan 3ajeeeeeeeeb ;p


sexy_sour_sweet said...

UMABY :| I cannot imaGine being in Your Situation!!!!! Ignore her your Blog 3AJEEEEEEB oo I LOVE it;*

M said...

loooooooooool.. i love ur blog :*

Anonymous said...

OUCH!!! 6abaat 6aba mu7tarama!! refejteech ghal6ana lana ur blog 7ada amazing!! oo ur storyy more than amazing babe ;**!!

Diablo said...

mm one question ...

IF she reads your blog .. wont she read this LOOOOL ???

Um-Manaf said...

sexy_sour_sweet: thankkk u ;**

M: and i love u ;p

Even Sweeter: thaaaank u dear! o 7ad'ha 6abat feeeni ;p

Diablo: see the thing is I don't make a huge effort to hide my identity lana marada el kil ra7 y3aref o I don't plan on putting anything private ... o kent nawya agoolaha lool bes ma 7abait a7rej'ha after everything she said .. ee o i'm sure she'll read this o she'll figure it out ;p and i don't mind

k town said...

lool maskeena;p
wont she read this and tistaw3ib its u?

Diablo said...

Hehehehe ... Well hope you get an apology ;p

Um-Manaf said...

M, H, L: ee she will o i don't mind ;p

Diablo: laa mabi apology, everyone is entitled to their opinion ;p i'm glad i got her true opinion gabel la tadree mino ana that way akeed mara7 etjamelni lol

Queen Bee said...

Haha...Didn't you laugh? wallah it's funny when u talk about a blog and don't know who is writing the blog! Ya3ni how could you judge them from a blog?!? I don't get it;p

Um-Manaf said...

Queen Bee: ee et9adgeen, 3ad lama i kept asking her bil thab6 shili mu 3ajbich ma3indaha straight answer ;p bes etgool "madry madry" ...

Zaina said...

hathiii mi7taraaa, imbayen. cuz ur blog iyanin ou your story a7la wa7la. faaa jealousyyyyyyy ;p

ou mashalllah 3alaaiich I wish I had that kind of spirit. inna 3adii itha a7ad 3arafnnii...
a7is It's an invasion of my privacy... even though mu katba shay ya3nii ;p

shoosha said...

HAHAHA HIIII estaghrabtay??? ;p

(moo 7aggich 7ag ur friend lain garrat)

Um-Manaf said...

Zaina: la 7ayatii public blogs is no place for private intimate details ;*

Shoosha: ubay THAT WAS FUNNY! tha7akt out loud!

Anonymous said...

ma3alaich minha hathy mi7tara oo bass lol!!!!
your an amazing person oo itwanseen mu maleeqa;**

Um-Manaf said...

Virgo: ur an amazing person ;* and thank u lol

Journal Entries said...

3ad to be honest ur 2 blogs are one of my favs.. oo mit7asfa enna it wasn't until recently illy i knew enna u had this blog too =/

i rate u 10/10

Hala said...

heheheh.. ma3aleech minha..!! your blogs are great.. and so is your story.. and this is better than your mom calling you while your at work telling you in simple short sentences.. "I found your blog, I read it, sa5eef chenech tsolfeen 7ag rab3ech on the phone and thats just sad, and what more sad is that people are actually wasting time and reading it..!! write about politics like your brother.."
that was my mom btw.. hehehe..
feelin any better..?

FingerPrint said...

wow i hope something like that doesnt happen to me =P so far my friends who have read my blog liked it ..

bs 3ala8al u got her true opinion w majamaltch .. w i love both ur blogs :***

Anonymous said...

a7es ehy kanat 3arfa ench um manaf fa kanat tjes el nab'9 w tby tsttherch w t7achain :P~~~
la2na ur both blogs are 3ajeebeen w ma lha 7ag tgol chethy ;pP !!

Um-Manaf said...

Journal Entry: thank u so much 7ayatii ;**

Change: ommggggg 7araaaaaaam! kesartay kha6rii ur blog is nice!!! :(

Limited: eee i liked the fact that it was honest .. thank u wayed :D

Anony: ee ana 7asait chithee et9adgeen bes atwaqa3 noo3ha etgool ashkara.. enshoof she9eer lol ;p

zuz said...

7dha 3ad 3la my favourite story!!!!;p;p, kelesh wla um manaf 3ad;*

Um-Manaf said...

zuz: ya ba3ad chabdiiii ana hal esboo3 kela i loveee loveee loveee u

Ruby Woo said...

maiiih.. it happened to me once too bas all I got were compliments about how my blog was amazing so khalas I got used to them, that was until one of the girls said, "ambay shraykom ib ruby woo? la ya3ni plz manabi halaga"
wedi agoolaha shiftay ur blog (i know about her blog) bas o tifilsifich ila mala akhar? KAF!

S E 7 E N said...

1) hehehehehehehe

2) am sorry

3) bil 3ax your blog is really nice keep up the good work :)

Cooookies said...

LOOOOOOOL ma 3alaih :P i wont tell to ignore her .. mara thanya kefkheeha :P

AKF said...

So has she seen it yet :p

Um-Manaf said...

Ruby Woo: chan gelteeelha "ubay tadreen ay blog ba3ad amlaq min ruby woo's? _______ blog"...(ili malha) lol

Se7en: don't be sorry im fiiinnee and thank you very much ;p

Cooookies: inshallah lai sheft'ha ra7 akfa5'ha

Um Loai: laa lail7ean ma galat shay ;p

eshda3wa said...



mawqif moth7ik jedan!

tadren wala mara i gave ppl a chance to even wonder who eshda3wa is!

whenever they mention blogs i go

oh mi god u read blogs ana eshda3wa!

Glitter said...

Sarat feeny, and I wrote about too, bs I changed some of the details..

il3abee6a still reads my blog o haven't discovered that I was talking abt her!!

Um-Manaf said...

eshda3wa: LOOOOL 9ebray dgeegtain ya mara u might get some interesting comments 3an ur blog

Glitter: eee ana ba3ad salfat el ma63am i altered some details o shakel'ha ma estaw3ibat ;p

Anonymous said...

inzain w now wont she read ur blog and figure out its u mn hal salfa? lol so enchakaitay ya3ni??

Abi-Omi-Abi-Oboy said...

Looool 6aaaf ya mama.. Bs doesnt that mean bet6ee7 3alaich al7een? =0