Okay so tawni raj3a min filim Madagascar 2 .. lil 2asaf ma kan as good as the first one .. the only reason I went to see it however was because of KING JULIAN who cracks me up! So i'm dedicating this post to his TOP TEN funny lines from the first movie ...
10. Come on, everybody! Let's go and meet the pansies!
9. All we have to do is wait until they are in a deep sleep... [10-second pause]...[shouts] How long is this going to take?
8. [singing] I like to move it, move it / She like to move it, move it / He like to move it, move it / You like to... *move it*!
7. Can you not see you have insulted the freak?
6. Shh! We're hiding. Be quiet everyone. That includes me. Shh! Who's making that noise? Oh, it's me again...
5. [begins waving to the zoo animals on the boat] Maurice, my arm is tired, wave it for me [Maurice begins waving Julian's arm] Faster, you naughty little monkey!
4. After much deep and profound brain things inside my head, I have decided to thank you for bringing peace to our home.
3. The foosa. They are always annoying us by trespassing, interrupting our parties, and ripping our limbs off.
2. What is a simple bite on the butt among friends? [shakes his tail at Maurice] ..Here, give me a nibble.
1. Get up Mort! Do not be near the King's feet, okay! (a little bit later...) The feet! I told you about - I told you to - I told you - didn't I tell him about the feet?
Which one's your favorite?
allaaaaah i want! mare7tla o 7ade meshthyeta bs almost everyone i know raye7la already ;(
lama aro7la agolich wat i liked the most ;P
Dee: yala shofeeeh o goleeeli na6ra rayech ;p
4. After much deep and profound brain things inside my head, I have decided to thank you for bringing peace to our home.
amooot 3alaiiih:P
um mit3ib: eee eyanin 9a7!
who's making that noise?!
oh that was me again ;)
ambaih shkether i use that line!
LOOOOOOOOOOOOL ALL OF THE ONES U POSTEDDD (L) waaaay my fave movie ever.. wala Mort 7abeeeeebi way i love himmmm!! "i like them i like them! before i even met them i liked them! you haaaaate them compared to how much i like them!"
LOL i agree though, pt 2 wasnt as funny, illa the moto-moto part :P
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