Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Um Manaf Goes Shopping

Now we all know ina Um Manaf lately wayed 9ayra etroo7 "running" o "jogging" o sometimes when she's really tired "crawling" so i'm hoping that what I'm about to tell you won't give you a heart attack. 

Considering the fact that I don't intend on stopping anytime soon my friends have told me that I have to put aside my tracks and invest in some ...

stretchy pants. 

Eli weda y3aleq ykhali9ni wegool ili 3inda al7ean. 

ps: I think its a good idea lana it'll make me run super fast 3ashan ma7ad eshoofni. 
pps: adry ga3d agi9 3ala 3omri..


CrazyCatQ8 said...

stretchy pants wela training pants .. elmoree7 wely maybayen eltathareees is the best choice ;P

wela eshrayich ?

me wear training sometimes wide leg training pants .. my crazy T-shirt collection ..

elmohim shay mureeeeeeeeeeeee7

sexy_sour_sweet said...

Um Manaf has officially lost it...
I still love you though...

xtc said...

I support stretchy pants!!!! Woohoo!

Cooookies said...

hehe tell us how it turns out !!

LOOL u might be running fast alright .. running straight home :P

suspic said...

LOL looking for a date bil mamsha, eh? =O

Um-Manaf said...

Crazycatq8: la la i7na mandawer il muree7 .. e7na inqaled il "professionals" 3ashan intifalsaf..

sexy_sour_sweet: ee ehneee il friendship! When I officially "lose it" and run around in bright yellow stretchy pants..and u still love me..! Bes khala9 ana shabi min hal dinya akthar min chithee?

xtc: I support you supporting stretchy paaants!

Cooookies: It turned out welllll...and yes yes running all the way back home in shame is what's going to happen :(

Suspic: affaa 3alaaaik bes, el shabab bekhaloon banat el mamsha wejaablooni ana o my bright yelloww streeeetchy pants with the silver streak on the side ;)

ya nas..tara il stretchy pants mu yellow.. if they were, my baba might run me over with his car before I go jogging :)

nourahshing said...

libsay leggings? either the long or short ones, with a big t-shirt that covers your booty :p nefs il shay! but you wont feel as.. ridiculous? LOL madri! 7adi not an exercising person so madri about this stuff!

Um Mit3ib said...

stretchy pants;p ?


Hala said...

stretchy pants akeed more comfortable..!! bas the color wayed mohim.. :P

Um-Manaf said...

tigerlilly: the whole point is to feel humiliated and ridiculous while I run :( ..

Um Mit3ib: are we still friends? :( no? okay..I understand :( ... you're jealous of my pants aren't you? :( ok .. ok ..

Change: ee I couldn't decide between bright yellow or bright lime green with pink hearts on the back with swarovski crystals...

I chose them both ;)