Monday, March 30, 2009

Um Manaf's Proud Moment

I've never been a very sensitive person bes I've also never been a very strong one. Ya3ni 3indi a few trigger points that will hurt me o the rest don't make a difference with me. (What i'm trying to say is that i'm not as sensitive as the average girl)

Bes anyway the other day 9arli mawqef with a specific person o il kalam ili engal + il situation/environment + the person's role in my life 2athar feeni wayed and I ended up crying ib sayarti all the way home.

Fa then I got even more upset that I didn't stand up for myself o 9ar feeni "bes Um Manaf lai meta ya3ni?!" So I decided to do something about it...

What happened after I did something about it? We9alni msg esh6oola min the person ili ghala6 3alay apologizing 3ala il 9ar.
Chan arid 3alaihom ib msg zaf akthar ... o they apologized again (adry yazli il wath3...! 6ala3 ina il zaf shay ywanis)

El mohim *Um Manaf takes a bow* .. Elyoom I stood up for myself.

Yala 9afgoooli!

ps: I was so happy that I decided to buy myself a new bag as a reward
pps: el 9ij? kent aby 3ether to buy a new bag bes bage9 3ala nafsi o bagool ena it's a reward and I deserve it!


Anonymous said...

lol awwwww u do deserve it! way to go girl

S E 7 E N said...

way to goooooooooo girl :)

Um-Manaf said...

Anony: thank u...I do don't I?! haha

SE7EN: shukran shukran...bacher bazef someone else so I can buy myself a new dress! :)

zuz said...

mabroook *chak chak* ana ashaje3 ely stand up for themselves la2any ma artha a7ad e'3ale6 3ley;p,besides etha kanat shakhseetich qaweya ma7ad yetyara3 ege6 3lech 7achy;p

doona said...


i just wrote a post abt confrontations ams chenna!!

is this becoming a trend? people hurting people? =/

Um-Manaf said...

zuz: 3afya 3alaich and i'm working on it lol

Dandoon: laa ana I didn't hurt that person back! The only thing I did was tell them (in a loud voice lol) that it wasn't okay to hurt me ;p

Um Mit3ib said...

u need to buy me steak
and soon

Anonymous said...

um manaf .. u rock :* zan sawaitay 3afya 3alaich ;)

Um-Manaf said...

um mit3ib: I will getlich goolay meta! ;p

Anony: thank you :$ lol .. bes now I can't stop yelling haha!

CrazyCatQ8 said...

CrazyCat et9afeg 7ag Om Manaf .. u go girl .. bas dont end up broke wela ma6looba efloos LOOOL

Um-Manaf said...

crazycatq8: hahahaha hatha eli be9eer akhrat'ha

suspic said...

You just need a knife.

1. Stab

2. Twist

3. Repeat

Um-Manaf said...

suspic: dear lord..enshallah ya rab I don't bump into you bil share3!

suspic said...

I'd say hi first. :D

Um-Manaf said...

suspic: that doesn't help.