Sunday, January 25, 2009

Once Upon a Time ...

Kan fe diktooor bil jam3a ...

chan....yen6aag 6aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag!

O lail7ean mayadroon mino (weli goolihom ina it was me yawaila fahmeen!)

Sorry bakhtifi for a few days...not only because I need to go into hiding..bes also because I have exams.

a7ebkom wayed wayed wayed
o ed3oooooli tekfooon

ps: eli y3aref mu7ami ygooli ;p


zuz said...

looool! haw!!:O hal ely gareta tawwa 9ij wela 3yoni ga3da etfalem?;O, allah ewafgech;*, ana elyom ra7 a5ale9 at 7 pm:S kololoooooosh!

maazna said...

looooool entay shemhabeeba ;p !! abaih shlon 6ageeta ? Ft7aay ay jareeda telgain asame mo7ameen chod yenfe3oonich ;p
oo goodluck bl emte7anat :**

Anonymous said...

ba7erch eshway... ana EM3A6LA!!! ;p

FingerPrint said...

Bl twfeeeg enshalla!!!

Diablo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diablo said...



my i dea was ina we get a gmc aswad im'3ayam aswad NO LO7AT oo intil DR oo nwadeeh il bar n6iga 6ag oo na5ith hdooma oo namshe 3ana NYAHAHAHA :D

I hear that fe DRs wayid zbala so thats why 7aqid lool .. If i was in KU .. i wouldnt last .. ya6ridooni 3ala 6ool lana mat7amal nithalat a7ad ana

k town said...

weee maskeeen! is it true?

gd luuuck;*

Manicure said...

zuz: luckkkyyy...enjoyy it hun ;*

maazna: la 3ad mu 9ij 6agaita ;p bes i imagined in great detail of how i would do it ;p .. and thank u

blah: lucky :( .. enjoy!

Limited: ;******

Diablo: that's scarily....detailed.

M, H, L: la it's not true ... and thank u ;*

Glitter said...

ma tegdereen itba3deen ;-)


O Allah yewafgich :-*

oisehydfolahdkl said...

goodluckkkkk ;***

Cooookies said...

Goodluck ;p

Cooookies said...

Goodluck ;p

Journal Entries said...

good luck dear ;)

S E 7 E N said...

allah iwafgich :)

shamma aldabal said...

LOL ! .. i'm a lawyer ! .. but can u wait for 4 years .. u know i have some stuff to do .. like finishing a degree =p LOL JK


Manicure said...

Glitter: eee magdar i miss you guys too much :(

Stitch, Cookies, Journal Entry, Se7en: thaaank u ;p

Libero Anima: ya salaaam...khala9 i'll tell them to pause the trial until you get your degree ;p

Zaina said...

lol;p Imwafega inshallaah 7abeebtii :**
ou mara7 tigdireen you leave us :(

Abi-Omi-Abi-Oboy said...

Emwafeggaaa ya rabbi! =*
shday 7aileeech om manaaaf ! =P

Anonymous said...

LoooL... wayed dekatra yabelhum 6ag...Good luck hun;*

eshda3wa said...

good luck!

Ruby Woo said...

itha kan kwaiti, lisbeeh ib 3galah.. if not o yalbis suit, zin6eeh ib his tie!

Fajorie™ said...

shoooofay ana ayey m3ach en6gah
then ta3ali m3ai cuz ana 3ndi 2 bs mabi a6gh'hum abi a3dmhum .. can u help me plz ;p