etha kan mafee hawa gowy, yajouz, wa'6in mo mamnoo3. bas etha kan fee Hawa, la yajouz, wmamnoo3, l2ana elniqab be6eer wbyakshif wayeha wya7jib elro2ya..!! hehehehehe wallah el9ara7a etha mstansa, 5alha 3ala ra7at.ha.. t3eesh 7ayatha ;)
really??? u kave a law that says mtna8bat cant drive?? see its okai in dubai thats why i say its OKAI she can live her life .. this shows that the 7ijab and ni8ab maymn3oonha min stuff like this .. bl 3ax it shows that its okai to be mtna8ba and still live ur life ..
LOL I say mithel ma tnaqibat 3ashan tistir 3ala 3omerha la tyeeb attention to herself by driving around ib convertable makshoofa? i mean 9a7 she can live her life w tistanas but is doing that in kuwait ok? eapecially with shababna? madri just my opinion?
fe metnaqbat ysoogoon sayarat fel B7rain .. they scare the hell out of me! the driver seat ykoon '6alam, ma yenshafon w wala yshoofon! bs mo a convertible
where's the fun in that? 7alat il kashf ina il hawa yathribich min kil sob o ur hair flows with the wind bas where's the point if everything is covered?
ok see I wanted to say that its against the law.. coz it is in Bahrain, bas thought maybe its 3adee in your country..!! bas e7na elmitnaqbat 3endina usually the drive Buses fee Bus convertible..? :P
Yijouz ;p
lool 3aysha 7ayat-ha mithel matabi oo to the fullest :P
haha i was just going to say the exact same thing as ilsul6ana =P 3aysha 7ayat'ha el 7rma ;P
lol looks weird.. but then again who are we to judge?
etha kan mafee hawa gowy, yajouz, wa'6in mo mamnoo3. bas etha kan fee Hawa, la yajouz, wmamnoo3, l2ana elniqab be6eer wbyakshif wayeha wya7jib elro2ya..!! hehehehehe
wallah el9ara7a etha mstansa, 5alha 3ala ra7at.ha.. t3eesh 7ayatha ;)
Zaina: el sheikha zain has decided? ;p
il sul6ana: 7ada min omaa...khal et3alemni shloon bes
Limited: loooool
M: nobody's judging ;p
Change: kelish mu 3adi..kelkom nisaitaw ina il metnaqba can't drive! it's against the law ;p bes even THAT isn't the point lool
really??? u kave a law that says mtna8bat cant drive?? see its okai in dubai thats why i say its OKAI she can live her life .. this shows that the 7ijab and ni8ab maymn3oonha min stuff like this .. bl 3ax it shows that its okai to be mtna8ba and still live ur life ..
even though it will look weird =P
hahaa mo 9ij!
5oooosh niqab!
btw, i passed u the butterfly award ;)
ahwan mn w7da mo labsa 3dl w 83ada bl benz....
bs mo niqab :D
etshim hawa
thats sexy ;l
meschena chood betshem hawa;p
LOL I say mithel ma tnaqibat 3ashan tistir 3ala 3omerha la tyeeb attention to herself by driving around ib convertable makshoofa? i mean 9a7 she can live her life w tistanas but is doing that in kuwait ok? eapecially with shababna? madri just my opinion?
Limited: ee because u cant see clearly with a neqab on! and the last thing we need in kuwait are more idiot drivers crashing into people!
Journal Entry: thaaank you ;* al7ean aroo7 ashoof il award!
Mesh: both are bad ;p
eshda3wa: hahahahahha!
M, H, L: I know right? basawee nafs'ha bacher ;p
Zuz: she wants to feel the wind through her neqaab ;p
Virgo: eeeeeee lol
Lost b-usa: ur opinion mithel my opinion babe ;)
Ya7lailha, 3aysha 7ayat'ha ;-)
fe metnaqbat ysoogoon sayarat fel B7rain .. they scare the hell out of me! the driver seat ykoon '6alam, ma yenshafon w wala yshoofon!
bs mo a convertible
mo mamno3 el metnaqba tsog:P
a3rf wayed etnaqbat ysogon
Glitter: ee wala a7san mini o minich ;p
Gone Bonkers: loool they scare the hell outta me too!
Anony: ee yemkin u know people that drive bes mu ma3nata it's legal ... mamnooo3 ;p
where's the fun in that? 7alat il kashf ina il hawa yathribich min kil sob o ur hair flows with the wind bas where's the point if everything is covered?
ok see I wanted to say that its against the law.. coz it is in Bahrain, bas thought maybe its 3adee in your country..!!
bas e7na elmitnaqbat 3endina usually the drive Buses fee Bus convertible..? :P
weeeh 3abalii "Kashkha bil mercedes!"
ya3nii ilmitnaqba tinaqibat la'ana she doesn't want to draw attention to herself, and with kashfa ilMercedes she's doing il opposite! tanaqoth.
bas she's living her life.. 3ala golat ilii fogii..
hmm men metta ilmitnaqba 7aram itsoog ?
One word = OXYMORON =P
looool 7adi stanast 3ala 9aidity
Ruby Woo: ee exactly..fahmeeha bes
Change: i have NEVER seen a bus convertible .. and i'm not sure i want to lol
Diablo: I thought so too
Zaina: laaaa laaaa lol ;p
Cooookies: mu 7aram...illegal though ;p
Abi Omy/Oboy: ya salaaaam 3alaaaaaaaaaaaaich! 9edteeeha 3adel ya3ni ;p
hehehehehehehe nice combination ....
rayeey ray kil mowa6en kuwaiti bifar7at ta7reer il kuwait min ghazo sadam el ghashim
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